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Are you an undergraduate or a post-graduate student looking to study in Japan? The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Government of Japan is currently offering two (2) scholarship opportunities to Canadian students who wish to:

  • study at a Japanese university; or,
  • study at Japanese universities as research or post-graduate students. 

Are you one of these students? If so, click on the links below to find out more:

Undergraduate Scholarship
Application deadline: July 10, 2020

Research Student Scholarship...

Category: News Article
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The BC Studies in China Alumni Network (BCSCAN) was established in 2016 as an initiative between the Chinese Consulate General in Vancouver and BC Council for International Education to help BC students understand the unique opportunities and the many benefits of pursuing post-secondary studies in China. Based on its success and growth of its members, in 2018 BCSCAN became the Studies in China Alumni Society of British Columbia (SCAS-BC) and officially incorporated under the BC Society Act.

SCAS-BC is designed to:

  • Provide a platform for BC-based students and alumni with study or Co-op experience in China
  • Build upon and further develop knowledge and skills related to China
  • Connect with government and non-government organizations and colleagues with interests i...
Category: News Article
Mingguang (明光), China - Welcome in to Kevin's family for Chinese New Year
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By: Harris Green, a member of the Studies in China Alumni Society of British Columbia (SCAS-BC).

My first study abroad experience was almost 7 years ago when I took a leap to study in Lund, Sweden for 6 months. The desire to continue living overseas began to build after returning home to Vancouver. Those feelings are what inspired me to work in Shanghai for the last 2 years. The effects from these study/work abroad experiences on how I value the interconnectedness of cultures and the importance of cross-cultural experiences has only compounded in the face of the current COVID-19 situation.

Despite the current closing of borders and fear of the unknow...

Category: Student Blog
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Brianna Condilenios, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: the Netherlands

Brianna is an aspiring elementary teacher from Simon Fraser University. A travel and education enthusiast, she is beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to study in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Brianna is especially excited to try different styles of learning as she hopes to provide the most engaging and exciting learning experience for her future students. Brianna is increasingly learning how to trust herself in new and challenging situations. By immersing herself in a new culture, she hopes to strengthen her intercultural communication skills and rip open her ways of understanding the world. She truly belie...

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